Announcing Secret Lives of Orangutans for Netflix

We’re excited to share our new documentary for Netflix premiering on 22 August; Secret Lives of Orangutans.

UPDATE: JULY 2024: First-look released

From Silverback Films and narrated by Sir David Attenborough, this film follows a remarkable group of orangutans in the pristine jungles of Sumatra. The film is directed by Huw Cordey and follows some of the characters that featured in our hugely successful Our Planet series – at the centre of this story is 8 year old Eden, who’s about to embark on the most challenging moment of her life.

One of the films stars, Rakus, a Sumatran orangutan in Indonesia has also been in the news headlines for being the first wild animal to be filmed treating a wound with a medicinal herb – Fibraurea tinctoria – a type of liana climbing vine. Scientists say they observed Rakus treating an open facial wound with sap and chewed leaves from a plant known to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Orangutans are not just one of our closest relatives, they’re perhaps more relatable to us than any other great ape.

Announcement here: