Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research short film for German Year of Science

Studio Silverback have worked with the renowned Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research to produce a short film as part of Germany’s ‘Year of Science, 2024’, dedicated to the theme: Freedom.

‘Unsere Erde, Unsere Freiheit’ (Our Earth, Our Freedom) premiered last week at a special event held at the Berlin Planetarium discussing climate justice, scientific solutions and visions of a better future. The film outlines how our planet’s growing instability threatens our freedom and our security. But, through the words of the next generation – an impressively thoughtful group of Berlin schoolchildren – it also presents a vision of a better future that is still within our grasp… if we exercise our freedom to choose it.

After the film’s screening, a panel that included renowned Earth system scientist, Professor Johan Rockström, and the film’s narrator, Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen, discussed the themes raised by the film and took questions from the audience.

Read more about the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research here.