Life on Our Planet is our ground-breaking new 8-part series created by Silverback Films in association with Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television - premiering on Netflix 25 October. Narrated by Academy Award®-winner Morgan Freeman, it’s the story of life’s epic battle to conquer and survive on planet Earth. Today there are 20 million species on our planet, yet what we see is just a snapshot in time – 99% of earth’s inhabitants are lost to our deep past.
In partnership with Industrial Light & Magic, we use the latest technology and science to bring long extinct creatures back to life, charting their remarkable rise and fall.
Organised around the five mass extinction events that have forever shaped the planet, plus the sixth we’re facing today, our series brings creatures known only from fossils to life in dramatic, photo-real fashion. These stunning scenes are presented alongside cutting-edge natural history sequences, showcasing the unique evolutionary advantages modern species have inherited from their ancestors in ways that have never been seen before.
“By understanding our past, we can help shape our future. The sixth mass extinction we’re currently living through is the first one created by an animal, and also the first one that can be averted completely.” - Silverback series producer Keith Scholey
Audiences will see the story of life unfold through its most pivotal moments: from the first single-celled life form, to the first animals to move out from the sea and onto land, to the first creatures to take flight. Revisiting one of Earth’s longest-lived dynasties, the dinosaurs, viewers will bear witness to the cataclysmic downfall that led to the age of the mammals and the rise of the most dangerous animal the earth has ever seen: us.
As it traces our lineage across this epic journey, Life on Our Planet underscores our unique status as the only species in the four billion-year story of life to understand what is happening to our world and what is needed to put it right. But whatever future awaits, the past reminds us that life has always found a way.
View on Netflix here:
Across six years of planning and production, our series involved a crew of 440 people; visits to six continents; portrayals of 500 species (some still living and other extinct); 868 VFX shots; and 2,181 hours of footage filmed.