Studio Silverback are producing The Earthshot Prize 2023 for Prince William’s Earthshot Prize, the ambitious global initiative to protect and restore our planet. Silverback has previously produced the landmark five-part BBC and Discovery+ television series in 2021 (‘The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet) as well as the five-part video series showcasing competition finalists in 2022. This is the first time Studio Silverback will be producing the broadcast, continuing our ongoing partnership with The Earthshot Prize
This year the prize will travel to Singapore for its third annual Awards ceremony, which takes place on Tuesday 7 November. Under Studio Silverback’s vision with Executive Producer and Director Julia Knowles and Executive Producer Elaine Paterson, The Earthshot Prize will focus on a celebration of human ingenuity and our amazing natural world with an emphasis on the Prize as a unique moment of global unity and ambition to find environmental solutions.
During the inspiring event, each of the five winners of The Earthshot Prize 2023 will be awarded a catalytic £1million to help scale their environmental solutions. The ceremony will also feature performances by world-renowned musicians and artists.
Our five-episode YouTube series, exploring each Earthshot and the finalists’ solutions launched on Weds 27 Sept - with a new episode being released each week leading up to the awards.
Studio Silverback’s production of the global initiative will also mark the first time the awards ceremony will be accompanied by a series of events as part of Earthshot Week. Beginning Monday 6 November, the week will see global leaders, businesses and investors convene in Singapore to explore exciting opportunities with The Earthshot Prize winners and finalists, aimed at accelerating their solutions and bringing about tangible action to repair the planet. Members of the public will also be invited to experience local activations centred on the 2023 cohort of Earthshot solutions.
Founded by Prince William in 2020, The Earthshot Prize is a prestigious environmental award which aims to discover, celebrate, accelerate and scale solutions that can help put the world firmly on a trajectory towards a stable climate, where communities, oceans and biodiversity thrive in harmony by 2030. The five ‘Earthshots’ – simple and ambitious goals to repair our planet – are: Protect and Restore Nature, Clean Our Air, Revive Our Oceans, Build a Waste-Free World and Fix Our Climate.

Part 1
Meet the ‘Fix Our Climate’ finalists

Part 3
Meet the ‘Clean Our Air’ finalists

Part 2
Meet the ‘Protect and Restore Nature’ finalists